2016 Membership Renewal List:
(Name; Member Since/Registration Number; Contact Email)
PM (Practicing Member)
FPM (Foreign Practicing Member)
AM (Associate Member)
OM (Ordinary Member)

  1. Lennie Soo; 11-PM-001;
  2. Ria, Susan Maria Thomas; 12-FPM-005;
  3. Hasena Ab Wahab; 11-PM-008;
  4. Lek Ren Jiin; 12-PM-010;
  5. Lim Bee Eng; 12-PM-016;
  6. Rishya Manilam; 12-AM-021;
  7. Elie Yap Fee Yoke; 11-OM-022;
  8. Lily Hor Yin Heng; 12-AM-023;
  9. Brandon Ho Swee Soong; 12-PM-027;
  10. Julian Leicester; 13-AM-029;
  11. Haji Md Taib Mat; 13-PM-030;
  12. Ajit Singh, Ludher; 13-AM-032;
  13. Suzana Bt. Jaffar;13-AM-034;
  14. Syed Yusainee Bin Syed Yahya; 13-AM-035;
  15. Phyllis Yong Sook Ping; 13-AM-037;
  16. Tong Wei Leng; 13-AM-039;
  17. Koo Kian Yong (Hiro Koo); 13-PM-041;
  18. Joyce Hue Vern Chie; 13-AM-042;
  19. Teoh Ching Nee; 13-PM-045;
  20. Foo Hui Yee; 13-PM-063;
  21. Tang Ting Wee; 13-PM-064;
  22. Mok Koh Soo; 13-PM-065;
  23. Kham Kar Hoe; 13-AM-073;
  24. Goh Tian Jun;13-AM-075;
  25. Chew Nam Jie; 13-AM-076;
  26. Lily Kong; 13-AM-079;
  27. Gunathevi A/P Sinnadurai; 15-AM-088;
  28. Lim Yuin Shuen; 14-AM-089;
  29. Chin Shook Theing (Estee); 15-AM-102;
  30. Ng Kee Swee (Kiki); 15-AM-103;
  31. Teh Seng Chuan (Patric Teh); 11-PM-108;
  32. Sylvester Lim Chee Keat; 16-AM-111;
  33. Muhammad Haniff Bin Hashim; 16-AM-113;
  34. Ong Boo Siong; 16-AM-116;
  35. Kathirasan A/L Doraisamy; 16-AM-117;

Practicing Member (PM)
Practicing member (PM/FPM) criteria was set by the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners of Malaysia (AHPM) to be in line with International Hypnotherapy Standards, or at the request or directive by Federation of Natural and Complementary Medical Associations of Malaysia (FCNMAM), one of the eight umbrella bodies under the Ministry of Health (Traditional & Complementary Medicine Division), Malaysia, of which AHPM is a member of, or directly by  the Ministry of Health (Traditional & Complementary Medicine Division), Malaysia.
  • Comply with all the AHPM’s practicing membership requirements.
  • Adhere to MOH’s guidelines on ethics and business conduct, the FCNMAM code of ethics and business conduct and the AHPM’s Code of Ethics and Business Conducts.
  • Adhere to all federal, state and municipal laws pertaining to advertisement and practices.
  • Must inform the AHPM of any change in status e.g. bankruptcy, immigration to another country, criminal records and other changes in legal status.
  • Be a member of good standing within the AHPM, i.e. pay your dues on time, participate and be involve in the AHPM’s activities, protect the reputation of the AHPM, and so forth.
  • Practicing members must have professional indemnity.

Associate Member (AM):
 Associate member (AM) criteria was set by the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners of Malaysia (AHPM) to be in line with International Hypnotherapy Standards, or at the request or directive by Federation of Natural and Complementary Medical Associations of Malaysia (FCNMAM), one of the eight umbrella bodies under the Ministry of Health (Traditional & Complementary Medicine Division), Malaysia, of which AHPM is a member of, or directly by  the Ministry of Health (Traditional & Complementary Medicine Division), Malaysia.
  • those who have not completed the mandatory courses set by AHPM; and/or
  • those who have not yet met all the practicing membership requirements of AHPM; or
  • completed their studies and who are below 25 years of age; or
  • those who are undergoing their internship; or
  • those who are from another discipline that use hypnotherapy as an adjunct; or

AHPM urges all hypnotherapists to register as members of AHPM in accordance to the T&CM Act 2016